AWS Integration
Seamlessly integrate Cloud Native Mail with your AWS infrastructure
Use AWS EventBridge to trigger mail sending based on events in your application.
SQS Queues
Send messages to our SQS queues to initiate the mailing process asynchronously.
SNS Topics
Publish messages to our SNS topics to trigger mail sending and receive status updates.
EventBridge Integration
To send a letter using EventBridge, create an event with the following structure:
"source": "",
"detail-type": "SendLetter",
"detail": {
"recipient": {
"name": "John Doe",
"address": "123 Main St, Anytown, USA 12345"
"content": {
"body": "Dear John,\n\nThis is the content of your letter.\n\nBest regards,\nYour Company",
"color": "black_white",
"doubleSided": true
"mailClass": "first_class"
SQS Integration
To send a postcard using SQS, send a message with the following JSON body:
"type": "SendPostcard",
"payload": {
"recipient": {
"name": "Jane Smith",
"address": "456 Elm St, Another Town, USA 67890"
"content": {
"frontImageUrl": "",
"backContent": "Greetings from Paradise!\n\nWishing you were here,\nJane"
"size": "4x6",
"mailClass": "standard"
SNS Integration
To send a check using SNS, publish a message with the following JSON structure:
"action": "SendCheck",
"data": {
"recipient": {
"name": "Alice Johnson",
"address": "789 Oak Rd, Somewhere, USA 13579"
"checkDetails": {
"amount": 100.00,
"memo": "Payment for services",
"accountNumber": "XXXX1234",
"routingNumber": "XXXXXXXXX"
"additionalPages": [
"content": "This is an additional page explaining the payment.",
"color": "black_white"